Monday, February 4, 2013

Want an extra $550 dollars this month?

Right who wouldn't? Cash crate is offering two huge contest this month, with grand prize totals of $550.00.

And they are simple to enter. First you do have to sign up (bonus if you sign up under me I'm a active refer-er (i know its not a word ) and you'll get message from me about who task quickly confirm as well as messages as soon as contest are released).

The first contest is a raffle, and it is super simple to get entries. All you do is use the new and improved search bar (no download required). Each search this month is an entry. You get paid a penny per search which while isn't a lot, you can earn up to 10 cents a day doing that...and pennies add up..But the prize that is offered is what is amazing. The winner of the raffle will be chosen at the end of February. The prize 500 in your pocket.

Get Paid To Do Free Offers!

The second contest: Be one of the top 30 member's to complete the most cash offer, surveys and bonus surveys (that includes videos') and you win, simple right? Heres what you win:
Top 2 - $50.00
#3-$40. 00
#20,21,22,23,24,25 -$5.00

So sign up and don't miss out on your chance for some extra money this month:)

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