Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Special Offer Letters from Santa Order Now

How would you like for your child to receive his or her own personal letter from Santa to help increase the Christmas spirit and fun. Handwritten and mailed especially to them. I know my girls love to receive mail.

This is very simple and very cheap.

Order now through thanksgiving and the letter including shipping is only $1.00 (payable via paypal,)
From thanksgiving through Dec. 1 its $1.50
and Dec 2-Dec 20 its $2.00

If you order now your childs letter will be shipped on 11/30th. If you wait till December to order, they will ship when the order processes, but remember the postal system can be tricky. The sooner you get your order in the better.

Don't forget to include your childs name, something special they do to help out, and anything else you would want santa to include in the letter.

Tell me about your child

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